Wednesday, April 17, 2013

History of Place Installation

As mentioned before I conducted my research on the history of the art school. I decided to concentrate on my findings from the Architecture building on central campus. The Bentley Historical Library Image bank provided photos of drawing classes and the architecture building from back in the day. I used these photos as inspiration for my drip paintings. 
The four smaller murals depict the beginings of the art program, while the final mural, comprised of 3 window panels, recalls the current space as it mimics the A&D sign across the hall. 

During the Day....

 At night....

From the other side... 

Final Plant Housing

My zinnias are about 7-8 in tall, perhaps taller. The bottom leaves turned yellow and fell off.  The internet tells me that that's normal though. Another mystery I was trying to solve is these tiny, almost microscopic, white worms. I don't even notice they're there until I pour water on them. It's possible they were in the early  stages of being larvae. Regardless, I stopped watering them as much as I did before, to decrease the standing water and that seems to have taken care of the problem. Today I transported my plants to a different container, and put sponge material on the bottom layer below the soil to see if that helps the root/soil circulation.

After the class visit from Carry Dickison I felt more comfortable with the idea of using found objects.
For my final plant housing: I sawed an old styrofoam cooler to make the base;
Cut and sanded wood slabs to form a frame upon which the clear greenhouse could sit; Sewed together the material to form the greenhouse; and added a front door that can be velcroed shut.

 sawing styrofoam was definitely not my smartest idea, at least not at my own apartment. Clean up was pretty difficult.

 Working on the project.... this detail at the top reveals my original plan.